When it comes to social media marketing, coming up with new content can be difficult.
We would like to help with some ideas for posting on social media. Below, you will find a list of some favorite ideas that you can utilize in your posts to engage your fans and followers.
1. Re-purpose content like blogs and videos.
Re-purposing content doesn't necessarily have to mean linking to previously posted content. You can transform old content into something new, perhaps in a different format. You could take an old photo and perhaps turn it into a blog post, describing the experience. You could use a snippet of a longer video to link back to the original piece. Combining articles that you have shared into an e-book is another useful way to use content you have already shared. This allows you to get the most out of each piece of content over time.
2. Post video testimonials.
Current customers are the best advocate any business has. Testimonials allow customers the opportunity to give their opinions. Video testimonials show your potential customers how others have enjoyed your products or services. Your best customers could record a short testimonials video for you to use on social media or your website. You could even go live at an event with an interview video testimonial.
3. Participate in Throwback Thursday.
Throwback Thursday or #TBT trends on social media every Thursday. People post photos or memories from their past, whether fun or embarrassing or a mixture of the two. A company could also use this trend to post about the history of their brand. Use hashtags to indicate that the post is a memory from your company's past. This will make your post searchable on Twitter and Instagram.
4. Post behind-the-scenes photos and videos.
Many audiences are curious about the makings of their favorite brands and what happens behind-the-scenes. By posting behind-the-scenes photos and videos, you would be showing your customers what hardwork and fun goes into your products or services. The intimacy the customer feels with the company helps to build a stronger relationship and generate leads.
5. Share tips.
Your social media content doesn't succeed just by promoting your brand. Helping your potential customers manage and understand their challenges is also necessary. To build strong relationships and trust, share tips, advice, and tactics to help others through their challenges.
6. Create a how-to video.
The video format helps your customers understand your brand in a very helpful and exciting way. Videos can be used in a multitude of ways (which will be explored next week), but have you ever considered a "how-to" or tutorial video? Visually stimulating and engaging, these videos can be posted across all of social media, on your website, and are easily shareable. Your customers are provided with actionable steps, while receiving visual knowledge. If they share this content, you have the opportunity to engage a brand new audience.
Social media campaigns don't have to be difficult all the time. When you need some help, try using one of these techniques. If you need help with your strategy or are simply looking for a video for your business, we are here to help.