Have you ever gone to a "one speedbump" town and encountered the local grocer? It's warm, friendly, inviting. They have a loyal customer base. But what if they decided to branch out and expand? That same customer base would be there, but the potential for additional customers would be hard to pass up.

Recently, we had the opportunity to work with an office design/furniture company. This company has been around for over 70 years! The current owner is 3rd generation with the 4th working in management, primed to take the reins. The new generation is excited about expanding and growing the business. That's where we come in.
Let's call next-in-line "Ted". Ted knows he has to cold call potential customers. Where to start? The first step he took was hiring us! How intuitive of him, if I do say so myself. He requested we provide videos for ads and his website, as well as help in bolstering his online presence, which we can absolutely do.

Although they have been in business for quite some time, Ted recently decided to hold the first ever board meeting. We were on-hand to capture the essence of that meeting from a videographer's standpoint. It was an enlightening experience, watching another company in action. The employees ranged from bored, to annoyed, to excited, to absolutely brimming with possibility. Incentives were announced for employees who engaged with their projects. The air was palpable with the buzz of eagerness!

So many people within the company were connected, as well! Husbands, wives, mothers, daughters - it was a pleasure to see the family-centric atmosphere this company had created. Listening to the stories and seeing the dynamics of the owners was a blast, and we cannot wait to learn even more.
We would love to hear your story. Reach out today!